
Why I want to be a Software Developer

I have wanted to be a software developer ever since I met a few out in the workforce. They were beyond lazy and had a lot of excuses coupled with complex explanations that could be replaced with a simple and more adult phrase: “I don’t know how to do that”. It certainly seemed like I would already better at it than they were just based on my attitude towards work and, willingness to learn things I don’t know. My mantra is always that speaking with end users about their needs and feedback will produce a superior product. Now 9 months later, I know I was right. I have built applications that I personally find utility in and think are cool. Applications that other developers give me positive as well as constructive feedback on. I make changes or updates to my existing code based on project collaboration and I am always on the lookout for how I can do something better than I have done before.

Simple SQL Dataset

Before graduation I had thought about what I would do afterward in terms of continued learning. For me, SQL seemed

Final Redux Project review


Toss a coin to your witcher / JS Frontend with Rails API

Rails is fun.

So far the rails project has been a great experience. I think I am use great in a literal heroic journey sense here.