Rails is fun.

Posted by Richard Pascarelli on December 8, 2019

So far the rails project has been a great experience. I think I am use great in a literal heroic journey sense here.

Encapsulating so many aspects of web development into once place is definately a trying experience.

Before I could even get started my laptop suffered constant crashes from a MacOS Catalina conflict. It took 3 days to

figure out, 3 resets of the OS and an external boot drive to fully resolve. I started the project a bit late because of it. I am

on track to finish the base requirements within the proper 7 day time frame a few hours from now. I am pretty happy all

things considered that the MVP will be taken care of.

Moving forward my biggest take away is UPDATE NOTHING. Let other people find the bugs in major software updates.

When you rely on your equipment for income do not take a risk with the newest flashiest update.

OS issues aside, while working I kept running into an issue that really wasn’t. When I would try making sure my objects

were updated correctly I wasn’t locating them. This lasted until I finally realized that I was using find_by(params[:id])

instead of find or find_by_id. #SMH.